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Are you Happy?

Happiness is an easy yet complex thing to achieve. Some people find happiness in such small things and weird places, while some people are never happy even though they have got everything a normal person can ever dream of. So what is happiness? Is it a commodity that is achieved by doing certain tasks, or something which depends entirely on us?

Let's start with a simple experiment, ask yourself one thing which genuinely makes you happy. And by happy, I mean that you can do that thing all day, and you won't get tired of it.

In fact, it should be something which you can do even when you are tired. Do you have an answer? If you have, then consider yourself lucky, because most people don't even know what are the things which makes them happy, and if you don't have an answer, don't get disheartened, because it is quite common for everyone to face a situation where they just don't understand what to do to make themselves happy.


Now when you have an answer, let's ask one more question to ourselves, is the thing that makes us happy depend on certain other factors? Does the thing which makes you happy depend on external factors such that if those external factors are not present then you won't be able to do the thing which makes you happy? Putting it easily, can you be happy all by yourself? Can you be happy with as few materialistic things in life as you can?

Now, this is where we need to think, what if, tomorrow all the things which we thought made us happy just vanished. What if all the materials you thought helped you to stay happy just vanished and you can't get them back, can you still be happy?

Every person has something which makes them happy regardless of what situation they are in. And sometimes it takes an entire lifetime to really understand what that thing is. Happiness should really come from within, it should not depend on external factors. If it depends, then it is not happiness, because once those factors leave, you can't ever be happy. Then you will search for something else to keep you happy, and you will be stuck in an infinite loop of finding the right happiness for you.

Happiness is our own, and we should not let someone else dictate it. We should not let someone else be our only reason for our happiness, because once the person leaves, and they surely will, because no one can stay with you forever, you will be stuck in finding your real happiness.

So the first thing anyone should ever do is to find the thing which makes them happy with as few materials as possible, with as few factors as possible. Because happiness is something only we can give ourselves.

We should explore ourselves because we never really know what we might find exciting if we never really try it. Being alone makes us stronger by making a strong bond with ourselves. And one should always take advantage of the opportunity of being alone, by really knowing our true selves. Once we start knowing us better, we will start appreciating ourselves as a person, we will start loving us, we will be able to criticize us whenever we are wrong. And once we start doing all this, we can be far better than anyone else around us. Life is so much about knowing what we can do and what we can't. Not everyone is born amazing, people have many flaws, and you can only improve once you start seeing those flaws in you.

So, the next time you find yourself unhappy, make a list of things which make you happy and see what are the factors they depend on, then check which among them has the least factors and make you happiest. Start doing that, and then ask yourself, do you feel good? If no, start the process again, try something new, there are so many things in the world to do, and you never know what might fascinate you. Start doing the things which fascinate you, see if it makes you happy with the least amount of factors. And when they genuinely make you happy, you will feel a sense of accomplishment in doing it, and only then you have found your true happiness!

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